Join us in remembering and celebrating important people and events in African American history during the month of February. We will be offering special exhibits at three Western-Maryland locations throughout the month. Sideling Hill Visitors Center, I70-W, near Hancock, MD Washington Co Library on Potomac St. in Hagerstown MD Allegany College of MD Library, […]
Come join Us celebrate the life of Major Martin Delany, abolitionist, journalist, physician, soldier, and writer, and the first black man to receive a regular army commission. Tim Hodges will bring the past to life with his portrayal of Maj. Delaney from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Saturday, February 5th, 2022, at the Washington […]
Our goal is to offer most of our programs for free to the public. In order to do so at times we need to rent facilities and provided refreshments or speaker fees. Please consider donating using our GoFundMe page. Thank you for your support.